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Silverlon® Flex Wound Contact Negative Pressure Dressings

Silverlon® flex Wound Contact Negative Pressure Dressings are sterile, single layer, non-adherent, antimicrobial barrier dressings, intended for topical use in wound management and in negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), to reduce risk of wound infection.

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Sizes and Product Numbers:

5cm x 5cm - WCD22-NPS(-FLX)

10cm x 10cm - WCD44-NPS(-FLX)

Quantity per Box: 10

10cm x 20cm -WCD48-NPS (-FLX)

20cm x 20cm - WCD88-NPS(-FLX)

Quantity per Box: 5

*Note - product availability for clinical use may vary by country.

Directions for use
  • Cleanse wound with sterile water, distilled water, or normal saline, removing necrotic debris or eschar as needed per local protocol.
  • Select the Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressing size that fully covers the wound up to the wound margins; trim the dressing edges as necessary.
  • Activate the Silverlon® dressing by thoroughly moistening with sterile water, distilled water, or normal saline.
  • Position the Silverlon® dressing directly over wound, with either silver side in contact with the skin, secure the dressing in place using a secondary dressing per local protocol.
    • For exudating wounds, use an absorbent secondary dressing of choice.
    • For dry wounds, use a moisture-donating secondary dressing such as hydrocolloid or pre-moistened foam or gauze
  • Periodically check the edges of the Silverlon dressing to ensure that it is maintained in a moist condition.
  • For NPWT Use - Position the Silverlon® Dressing directly over the wound, in contact with the skin; place foam or gauze fill media of choice on top of the Silverlon flex dressing and secure in place according to the instructions supplied by the manufacture of the negative pressure wound therapy equipment.
  • Silverlon® Wound Contact Negative Pressure Dressings may be used for up to 7 days, but may require more frequent changing depending on wound condition and exudate build-up.
    • In conjunction with negative pressure replace the Silverlon dressing whenever the foam / gauze fill media are replaced.
  • To remove Silverlon® Wound Contact Negative Pressure Dressings, first remove the foam / gauze fill media per local protocol, and then gently depress surrounding skin while lifting the edges of the Silverlon flex dressing.
    • If sticking of the dressing to the wound occurs, moisten the dressing as needed with sterile water, distilled water, or normal saline, until it can be easily removed by gently lifting the corners.
Indications for use


Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressings are professional use wound dressings indicated for wound management and may also be used in conjunction with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), for the local management of:

  • 1st and 2nd degree burns
  • Donor and graft site wounds
  • Diabetic, pressure and venous ulcers
  • Traumatic and surgical woundsInfected wounds*

*Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressings may be used on those infected wounds listed above. Where used on infected wounds, the infection should be treated as per local clinical protocol.

Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressings are indicated for a total duration of contact (i.e. where treatmen involves consecutive application of individual dressngs) of up to 30 days.


  • Avoid using Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressings on patients with known sensitivity to silver or nylon.
  • Silverlon® flex Negative Pressure Dressings are not intended for se on 3rd degree burns.
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